“El cazo de Lorenzo”, cuento para trabajar la empatía
Sorry, this is not available in this language El cazo de Lorenzo es un cuento de Isabelle Carrier, precioso, una metáfora para reflexionar sobre la diversidad y promover la empatía.…
Erasmus+ KA201 N° 20171IT02KA201036860
Sorry, this is not available in this language El cazo de Lorenzo es un cuento de Isabelle Carrier, precioso, una metáfora para reflexionar sobre la diversidad y promover la empatía.…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Cuando el cariño viaja en carta CEIP “Pio del Río Hortega”, Portillo (VA) Segundo curso de Educación Primaria Durante, el pasado mes…
Sorry, this is not available in this language “Todos somos distintos” CEIP “Ponce de León” Valladolid (España) – 1º y 2º de Educación Primaria A partir del cuento “Todos vieron…
Sorry, this is not available in this language “They all saw a cat” CEIP “Ponce de León” Valladolid (Spain)- 1st and 2nd grade Primary education Starting from the story “They…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Say what you mean… mean what you say. Not the same thing a bit! CEIP “Gonzalo de Berceo” Valladolid (Spain)- Fifth grade…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Maths, Spanish language and literatura Labs. Gamify and learn by doing! CEIP “Miguel de Cervantes” Valladolid (Spain) First grade Primary Education Teachers…
Sorry, this is not available in this language The gender non violence day celebration CEIP “Gonzalo de Berceo” Valladolid (Spain)- Fifth grade course Teachers of the fifth grade of the…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Post Views: 117
Sorry, this is not available in this language For five days we had the opportunity to be part of the program “Prosocial Values” in Macedonia. During those days I remember…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, no confesional e independiente, que ha producido obras teatrales, publicado algunos de los materiales didácticos…
Sorry, this is not available in this language Leonor, la directora del CEIP “Pio del Río Hortega”, de Portillo (Valladolid) presenta a las familias del centro nuestro proyecto “Prosocial Values”.…