[:en]Robotica Contro il Bullismo[:]
Ecco un bel progetto che ci dimostra come la robotica può essere usata come valore prosociale. Robotica Contro il Bullismo Robotica Contro il Bullismo From Peer to Peer Erasmus+ Project…
[:en]Teaching Tolerance for an Inclusive Classroom[:]
This article provides 9 practical tips to teach tolerance, to overcome the learned racial biases and to improve the openness to the diversity, starting from the preschool. The Importance of…
[:en]Teaching Empathy With Video Games[:]
This article provide an overview on how some videogames can help the players to develop social and emotional learning because they require to take the perspectives of other characters. It…
[:en]What Are Cooperative Games?[:]
The Prosocial Values can be taught in different ways. As teachers and experts in pedagogy we know that what is learned while feeling positive emotions reamins longer in our memory…
Workshop 26th. May 2018 – Iglika Angelova – Prosocial Value project
On 26th. of May 2018 During the European confere4nce A talented school for talented students a workshop about Prosocial value Project has been held and very much appreciated. Iglika Angelova…
Prosocial digital games
Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil…
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