Project Summary


ProSocial Values Project, which has founded the world network  Nobody Less, addresses the challenge of social inclusion and education by helping children from 5 to 15 years old to learn the prosocial skills, develop positive interpersonal relationships and therefore foster social coexistence and individual empowerment. The means through which this change will be achieved are an international community of schools cooperating in the promotion of activities at the national and international level, specific training for the teachers and a set of serious games to involve pupils and improve their prosocial skills. A database of serious games on prosociality will be collected. The partners will develop the training for the teachers responsible for their local prosocial communities. As an integration to the training (available also in a specific digital platform), an online serious game about prosociality, with different levels of difficulty will be developed. Once the teachers will be trained on specific methods to teach the prosocial values, the research phase will start and the social improvements in the involved schools will be measured and analyzed. Two international conferences, local seminars and workshops and three newsletters will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the results of the project. One of the main project outcomes is the setting up of an international community Network called ” Nobody Less” which is just growing and already counts at least 20 countries in the world. This network has been adopted by the to support education and prosocial values in the world.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the scope of Erasmus + KA2 Programme . This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Italian National Agency or European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein

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