Игри помагат на децата да учат математика
“Таблетите влизат в учебните часове на най-малките, за да им помагат. Чрез специално създадени игри децата ще развиват социалните си умения и ще практикуват наученото по математика” Повече може да…
Erasmus+ KA201 N° 20171IT02KA201036860
“Таблетите влизат в учебните часове на най-малките, за да им помагат. Чрез специално създадени игри децата ще развиват социалните си умения и ще практикуват наученото по математика” Повече може да…
Learning a new language is often associated with opportunities and benefits but it could also be very stressful. In order to consider means which both contribute and increase the positive…
“Prosocial behaviours refer to voluntary actions specifically intended to benefit or improve the well-being of another individual or group of individuals. Examples of such behaviours include helping, sharing, consoling, comforting,…
Developing new prosocial skills prevents bulling and antiscocial behavior in children from all ages. Teachers and parents must be aware of ways to improve childrens’ability to address bulling and to…
Helping hands chain: Trace and cut out multiple hands for each child. Place them in a pocket or baggie that is easily accessible. As you recognize a child’s helping hand…
Children’s Books for Teaching Social and Emotional Skills Can You Be a Friend?, by Nita Everly Care Bears Caring Contest, by Nancy Parent, illus. by David Stein Fox Makes Friends,…
The feeling of belongning and being accepted in the group helps children imrove both wellbeing and their academic performance. The authors of this article present a few ideas how teachers…
Стара Загора, 18 юни В Стара Загора на 21 юни се открива XVIII Национален педагогически форум. На пресконференция в регионален център на БТА, гр. Стара Загора проф. Галя Кожухарова, директор…
ДИПКУ стартира нов проект по Програма Еразъм + KA2 28.11.2017 ДИПКУ стартира нов проект по Програма Еразъм + KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA201…
Ecco un bel progetto che ci dimostra come la robotica può essere usata come valore prosociale. Robotica Contro il Bullismo Robotica Contro il Bullismo From Peer to Peer Erasmus+ Project…
This article provides 9 practical tips to teach tolerance, to overcome the learned racial biases and to improve the openness to the diversity, starting from the preschool. The Importance of…
This article provide an overview on how some videogames can help the players to develop social and emotional learning because they require to take the perspectives of other characters. It…
The Prosocial Values can be taught in different ways. As teachers and experts in pedagogy we know that what is learned while feeling positive emotions reamins longer in our memory…
On 26th. of May 2018 During the European confere4nce A talented school for talented students a workshop about Prosocial value Project has been held and very much appreciated. Iglika Angelova…
Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil Digital games aimed at fostering the prosocial attitudes and skil…