This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behaviour. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing an opportunity for personal development in an assertive way.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view.

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
Questa è una piattaforma di formazione. Sei invitato a leggere i file e alla fine a testare le tue conoscenze giocando al nostro gioco multilingue

Curriculum generale per la formazione degli insegnanti
Introduzione generale alla formazione sugli apprendimenti ProSociali. Il programma si concentra sul sostegno all’insegnante offrendo temi, strumenti e metodi chiave per insegnare i valori comuni e comportamenti pro-sociali. Descrizione di obiettivi, moduli e gruppi bersaglio.

Risolvere i conflitti in modo creativo
La gestione dei conflitti in classe è spesso complicata. I conflitti possono diventare momenti importanti per migliorare le capacità prosociali e una sana espressione dei sentimenti negli alunni.

È una giungla là fuori!
Gli animali possono insegnarci qualcosa su di noi. La diversità può essere la base su cui costruire una comunità / classe di cooperazione, fornendo un’opportunità di sviluppo personale in modo assertivo.

Lo storytelling è uno strumento potente per sviluppare un approccio all’insegnamento centrato sui valori pèrosociali ed offre agli studenti la possibilità di formare una propria visione del mondo.

Qual’è l’importanza relazionale delle attività non formali nel contesto dell’educazione formale? Una panoramica sull’uso di giochi e robotica per creare un ambiente prosociale

Cos’è la gamification e come usarla nei contesti educativi? Suggerimenti pratici e link per organizzare e gestire una lezione ludica per promuovere i valori prosociali

Giochi digitali tra pari
I giochi digitali sono una presenza quotidiana nella vita dei bambini. Come possono essere alleati nella promozione dei valori prosociali?

Apprendimento coinvolgente attraverso la prosocialità
Strumenti e consigli per creare piani di lezione per discutere di prosocialità attraverso l’uso di videogiochi in una classe con studenti di diverse età.

Robotica Prosociale
La robotica educativa è un potente strumento per creare un’aula inclusiva e per analizzare le regole sociali. La presentazione raccoglie suggerimenti pratici per organizzare le attività di robotica nei compagni di classe
Esta es una plataforma de formación. Te invitamos a descargar y leer todos los archivos y al final comprobar lo que has aprendido jugando a nuestro juego multilingüe

Aspectos Generales
Introducción general con conceptos básicos para la formación en aprendizaje prosocial. El programa se centra en ofrecer al profesorado temas clave, herramientas y métodos para la enseñanza de valores y el desarrollo de la conducta prosocial. Incluye la descripción de los objetivos, los módulos y los grupos destinatarios.

Resolviendo conflictos creativamente
Gestionar la resolución de conflictos en el aula a menudo puede ser complicado. Estas situaciones se pueden transformar en momentos importantes para mejorar las habilidades prosociales y la expresión de una manera sana de los sentimientos.

¡Hay una selva ahí fuera!
Los animales nos pueden enseñar cosas sobre nosotros. La diversidad es la base sobre la que se construye la comunidad/la clase de cooperación, proporcionando oportunidades de desarrollo personal de manera asertiva.

Cuentacuentos y narración de historias
La narración de historias es una herramienta muy interesante para desarrollar un enfoque de enseñanza centrado en los valores y además brinda al alumnado la posibilidad de formar su propia visión del mundo.

Cuál es la importancia relacional de las actividades no formales en un contexto educativo? Una visión global sobre el uso de juegos y la robótica para crear un entorno prosocial

¿Qué es la gamificación y cómo utilizarla en contextos educativos? Aspectos teórico-prácticos y enlaces de interés para organizar y gestionar sesiones gamificadas que fomenten el desarrollo de los valores prosociales. Incluye un ejemplo de breakoutEDU sobre esta temática.

Juegos digitales entre iguales
Los juegos digitales normalmente están presentes en la vida diaria de los niños. ¿Cómo hacerlo aliados en la promoción de los valores prosociales?

Serious learning a través de la prosocialidad
Los serious games son juegos cuyo objetivo principal es el aprendizaje o la práctica de habilidades, de este concepto deriva el “Serious learning”: herramientas y orientaciones de elaboración de sesiones/lecciones para debatir sobre la prosocialidad a través del uso de videojuegos en el aula con alumnos de diferentes edades.

Robótica Prosocial
La robótica educativa es una herramienta muy potente para crear entornos de aprendizaje inclusivos y para analizar las regla sociales dentro del grupo. Esta presentación recoge sugerencias prácticas para organizar actividades de robótica en grupo.
Bu bir eğitim platformudur. Dosyaları okumaya ve sonunda çok dilli oyunumuzu oynarken bilginizi test etmeye davetlisiniz.

Öğretmen eğitimi için genel müfredat
Pro-Sosyal Öğrenme eğitimi için temel tanıtım. Program, ortak değerler ve pro-sosyal davranışları öğretmek için temel temalar, araçlar ve yöntemler sunarak öğretmenin desteğine odaklanmaktadır. Hedeflerin, modüllerin ve hedef grupların tanımı.

Çatışmayı yaratıcı bir şekilde çözme
Sınıftaki çatışmaları yönetmek genellikle karmaşıktır. Bu çatışmalar sosyal becerileri ve duyguların sağlıklı ifadesini geliştirmek için kullanılabilirler.

Orada bir orman var!
Hayvanlar bize kendimiz hakkında bir şeyler öğretebilir. Çeşitlilik, bir topluluk / işbirliği sınıfı inşa etmek ve iddialı bir şekilde kişisel gelişim için fırsat sağlamak için temel oluşturabilir.

Hikaye Anlatma
Hikaye anlatımı, değerler merkezli bir öğretim yaklaşımı geliştirmek için güçlü bir araçtır ve öğrencilere kendi dünya görüşlerini oluşturma imkanı verir.

Yaygın faaliyetlerin örgün eğitim bağlamındaki ilişkisel önemi nedir? Pro-sosyal bir ortam oluşturmak için oyunların ve robotiklerin kullanımına genel bakış

Oyunlaştırma nedir ve eğitim bağlamında nasıl kullanılır? Pro-sosyal değerleri geliştirmek için oyunlaştırılmış bir ders düzenlemek ve yönetmek için pratik ipuçları ve bağlantı

Akranlar Arasında Dijital Oyunlar
Dijital oyunlar çocukların hayatında olağan olarak yer alır. Pro-sosyal değerlerin geliştirilmesinde nasıl kullanılabilirler?

Pro-sosyallik yoluyla öğrenme
Farklı yaştaki öğrencilerle bir sınıfta video oyunlarının kullanılması yoluyla tpro-sosyallik hakkında tartışmak için ders planları oluşturmak için araçlar ve tavsiyeler.
Pro-Sosyal Robotik
Eğitim robotu kapsayıcı bir sınıf oluşturmak ve sosyal kuralları analiz etmek için güçlü bir araçtır. Sunum, sınıf arkadaşlarında robotik aktiviteler düzenlemek için pratik ipuçları sunuyor.
Tai yra mokymosi platforma. Kviečiame perskaityti pateiktą medžiagą ir pasitikrinti savo žinias žaidžiant mūsų daugiakalbį žaidimą

Bendroji mokytojų rengimo programa
Bendras prosocialinio mokymosi mokymų įvadas. Programa orientuota į mokytojų poreikius siūlant jiems pagrindines temas, įrankius ir metodus, kaip mokyti bendrų vertybių ir prosocialaus elgesio. Pateikiamas tikslų, modulių ir tikslinių grupių aprašymas.

Kūrybiškai spręskime konfliktus
Valdyti konfliktus klasėje dažnai yra sudėtinga. Siekiant pagerinti prosocialinius įgūdžius ir jausmų išraišką, konfliktai gali būti transformuoti svarbiais momentais

Pasakojimas yra galinga priemonė, suteikianti galimybę formuoti mokinių pasaulėžiūrą bei plėtoti į vertybes orientuotą mokymąsi.

Kokia neformaliosios veiklos santykinė reikšmė formaliojo švietimo kontekste? Žaidimų ir robotikos naudojimo prosocialinės aplinkos kūrimui apžvalga.

Kas yra sužaidybinimas ir kaip jį panaudoti švietimo kontekste? Praktiniai patarimai ir nuorodos, kaip įtraukiant sužaidybinimo elementus organizuoti pamoką,
kurios metu puoselėjamos prosocialinės vertybės.

Skaitmeniniai bendraamžių žaidimai
Skaitmeniniai žaidimai yra vaikų gyvenimo kasdienybė. Kaip jie gali padėti ugdyti prosocialines vertybes?

Rimtas mokymasis skatinant prosocialumą
Priemonės ir patarimai, kaip sudaryti pamokų planus, skirtus įvairaus amžiaus mokiniams diskusijoms apie prosocialumą klasėje bei naudojant vaizdo žaidimus.

Prosocialinė Robotika
Gyvūnai taip pat gali mus kažko išmokyti. Įvairovė gali būti pagrindas bendruomenės ar klasės bendradarbiavimui kurti suteikiant galimybę
asmeniniam tobulėjimui.
Добредојдовте на платформата за обука.
Ве покануваме да ги прочитате подготвените наставни материјали и потоа да го тестирате вашето знаење играјќи ја нашата повеќе јазична игра.
Општа наставна програма за обука на наставници

Креативно решавање на конфликт
Справувањето со конфликтите на час е често комплицирано. Тие можат да се претворат во клучни моменти кои можат да ги подобрат просоцијалните вештини и здравото изразување на чувствата.
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Џунгла е таму!
Животните можат нас да не подучат. Разновидноста може да биде основа врз која може да се изгради заедница во училницата за соработка, обезбедувајќи можност за личен развој на наметлив начин.
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Раскажување на приказни
Раскажувањето приказни е моќна алатка за развој на наставен пристап, насочен кон квалитетни вредности на учениците. Овој пристап дава можност ѕчениците да формираат сопствен поглед на светот.

Кое е релативното значење на неформалните активности во контекстот на формалното образование?
Преглед на употребата на игри и роботика со цел да се создаде просоцијална средина.
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Што е гемификација и како да се користи во образовните контексти?
Практични совети и пример за организирање и управување со гамифицирана лекција за поттикнување на просоцијалните вредности.
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Дигитални игри помеѓу врсници
Дигиталните игри се секојдневно присутни во животот на децата. Како можат тие да бидат сојузници во промовирањето на просоцијалните вредности?
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Сериозно учење и просоцијалност
Разликата помеѓу учењето базирано на игра и сериозно учење врз основа на игра е во тоа што учењето базирано на игра е методологија на учење, а сериозната игра е производ во кој е можно учење базирано на игра.

Просоцијална Роботика
Образовната роботика е моќна алатка за креирање на инклузивна активност во училница и про тоа може да се анализираат социјалните правила. Презентацијата нуди практични совети за организирање на активности за роботика.
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This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view.

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates
This is a training platform. You are invited to read the files and at the end to test your knowledge playing our multilingual game

General curriculum for teachers training
General introduction at the basis for the training on ProSocial Learning. The program focuses on teacher’s support by offering key themes, tools, and methods for teaching common values and pro-social behavior. Description of goals, modules, and target groups.ays them.

Solving conflict creatively
Managing conflicts in class is often complicated. They can be transformed in important moments to improve prosocial skills and healthy expression of feeling darkness the cattle, first from days gathering green can’t great Whose to, us face which fowl days them.

It’s a jungle out there!
Animals can teach something about us. The diversity can be the base on which to build a community/classroom of cooperation, providing opportunity for personal development in an assertive ways.

Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop a values-centred teaching approach and it gives to the students the possibility to form their own world view..

What is the relational importance of non-formal activities in the formal education context? An overview on the use of games and robotics to create a prosocial environment

What is gamification and how to use it in the educational contexts? Practical tips and link to organize and manage a gamified lesson to foster prosocial values

Digital Games Among Peers
The digital games are a daily presence in children’s life. How can they be allies in the promotion of prosocial values?

Serious learning through prosociality
Tools and advice to create lesson plans for discussing about prosociality through the use of videogames in a classroom with students of different ages.

Prosocial Robotics
Educational robotics is a powerful tool to create an inclusive classroom and to analyse the social rules. The presentation collects practical hints to arrange robotics activities in classmates