Intellectual Output 7 – Platform for the prosocial training

Dear teachers and educators. Within the project activities and output, we have produced a gaming training platform totally open – source. Therefore we invite You to download and to install it on your server and improved it. Here is the platform final result we have been using during the project’s lifetime: here The platform can be used for students, we have implemented a system where the teacher can control those students answers and results. The platform is available in all the world languages

Intellectual Output 7 – Platform for the prosocial training:

Description: To increase the efficacy and the dissemination of the competence delivered by the training, an online platform will be set up. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.

This is an online platform for the training. The modules of the training has been adapted for the online platform, all the training materials have been uploaded and kept available after a free registration.
To improve the efficacy of the training and the dissemination of the project, Europole has developped a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game, inspired by the methodology of gamification allowing the improvement of skills, abilities and knowledge .This game collects questions about the training and the prosocial values in a growing difficulty. The players will gain points by answer correctly, the trainer will be able to check the ranking and the improvements of the players. Access to this serious games can be done with personal computers or via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc. ) , in order to make easier their usability from any location. It has been implemented in different training centers, associations, schools and institutions of the EU, with the aim at enhancing the skills obtained, through the use of innovative training methods such as those based on gamification.
The development of this serious game, has been performed using open source code in order that it can be used by other developers or customized for different training projects at local, regional , national and/or European levels.
All the partners will contribute with questions and translating the final version of the game in their national language.

Gamification Platform to Download:   HERE

Gamification platform to train yourself (please rember to follow the lessons before playing): here

Video on how to use the platform In English language




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