Erasmus+ KA201 N° 20171IT02KA201036860
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Prosocial teaching can focus on the values that allow us to keep better social behavior like communication, multilingualism, citizenship, education.
Juegos para trabajar las habilidades personales
Hay algunas habilidades personales que se deben fortalecer para mejorar las habilidades prosociales. Los siguientes juegos están enfocados en los valores personales como: relación personal, amistad, familia, empatia, emociones.
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Kişisel yeteneklerle ilgili oyunlar
Bu sosyal yetenekleri geliştirmek için güçlendirilmesi gereken bazı kişisel beceriler var. Aşağıdaki oyunlar daha çok kişisel değerlere odaklanır: Kişisel ilişki / arkadaşlık / aile, empati, duygular.
(ctrl + direkt linkin başlığına tıklayın)
Žaidimai asmeniniams įgūdžiams
Yra keletas asmeninių įgūdžių, kuriuos reikia stiprinti, norint pagerinti prosocialinius sugebėjimus. Šie žaidimai yra labiau skirti tokioms asmeninėms vertybėms kaip: Asmeniniai santykiai / draugystė / šeima, empatija, emocijos.
(„Ctrl“ + spustelėkite tiesioginės nuorodos pavadinimą)
Laika – auksinio kaulo pėdsakais
Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Игри за развивање персонални/лични вештини
Постојат некои персонални вештини што треба да се зајакнат со цел да се подобрат просоцијалните способности. Следниве игри се повеќе насочени кон личните вредности, како што се: Персонален/Личен однос / пријателство / семејство / емпатија / емоции.
(ctrl+click on the title for the direct link)
Игри за личностни умения
С цел подобряване на просоциалните способности, някои игри предлагат възможност за упражнение и повишване не личностните умения. Следните игри се фокусират на личностни умения като: Личностни взаимоотношения/приятелство/семейство, емаптия, емоции.(ctrl+click on the title for the direct link)
Якото училище: Където цари мир
Моника иска да остане, за да играе
[:pl]Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
Games for personal skills
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.
(click on the title for the direct link)
Cool School – where peace rules
There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.