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Games for personal skills

There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.

(click on the title for the direct link)

Cool School – where peace rules


Liyla and the Shadows of War

Lost in Space

Conflicts Resolution

Rock the Boat

School Bullying

Stray Puppy Care

Swing Fling

The Journey of Elisa



Games for personal skills

There are some personal skills that need to be strengthened in order to improve prosocial abilities. The following games are more focused on personal values like: Personal relationship/friendship/family, empathy, emotions.


Cool School



Laika Game



Conflicts Resolution



Rock the Boat



Liyla Game



Lost in Space



School Bullying



Stray Puppy Caree



Swing Fling



The Journey of Elisa