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The Prosocial Values can be taught in different ways. As teachers and experts in pedagogy we know that what is learned while feeling positive emotions reamins  longer in our memory and gains more importance. This is why with this project we promote the use of games for the prosocial values learning.

In this article Suzanne Lyons gives a clear explanation about the cooperative games and their importance for the development of positive relationship within the class: “well-designed cooperative games provide rich opportunities for experiential learning. They teach a valuable, pro-social lesson about the benefits of collaboration and they do it in a fun and natural way through direct personal experience.”


Cooperative Games 101: What Are Cooperative Games and How Can They Help Education? – Corwin Connect

Cooperative Games 101: What Are Cooperative Games and How Can They Help Education? – Corwin Connect

What Are Cooperative Games? Have you heard about cooperative games? Cooperative games are games based on cooperation rather than competition. There are cooperative games of all kinds for all ages and settings. Cooperative games range from board games to circle games to PE games to digital …

Source: corwin-connect.com/2016/01/cooperative-games-101-what-are-cooperative-games-and-how-can-they-help-education/


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