Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital games can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.
Database di giochi prosociali: questo database raccoglierà il principale gioco serio digitale che può essere utilizzato dagli insegnanti per insegnare valori prosociali. Ogni gioco sarà descritto e analizzato nei suoi aspetti educativi.
Curriculum per la formazione degli insegnanti: includerà gli obiettivi, le acquisizioni, i contenuti, le attività che possono essere svolte nel corso dei processi di insegnamento delle abilità prosociali. La formazione sarà strutturata in due fasi e unirà metodi formali e non formali al fine di fornire conoscenze teoriche e abilità pratiche su come insegnare valori prosociali. Un’attenzione particolare verrà data all’insegnamento attraverso i media digitali.
Implementazione della piattaforma per la formazione: I moduli della formazione saranno adattati per la piattaforma online, tutti i materiali di formazione saranno caricati e mantenuti disponibili dopo una registrazione gratuita. Inoltre sarà sviluppato un gioco serio multi-lingue e multilivello per valutare le competenze acquisite con domande di difficoltà crescente.
Strumenti di valutazione per la fase pilota: Il progetto mira a testare quantoi giochi prosociali digitali possano avere un impatto sul cambiamento della situazione sociale delle scuole coinvolte, quindi verranno prodotti strumenti per la misurazione quantitativa e qualitativa di questo impatto. I gruppi target presi in considerazione saranno: insegnanti, direttori / presidi, alunni.
La fase pilota si svolgerà da ottobre 2019 a giugno 2020, coinvolgendo tutte le scuole della comunità raccogliendo i dati con gli strumenti sviluppati all’interno del progetto.
Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledges and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital gams can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.
Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledges and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital gams can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.
Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledges and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital gams can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.
Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledges and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital gams can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.
Database of prosocial games: this database will gather the main digital serious game that can be used by the teachers to teach prosocial values. Each game will be described and analysed in its educational aspects
Curriculum for teachers’ training: it will include the aims, acquisitions, content, activities that can be done in the course of the prosocial skills teaching processes. The training will be structured in two phases and will mix formal and non formal method in order to provide theoretical knowledges and practical skills on how to teach prosocial values. A particular attention will be given to the teaching through digital media.
Implementation of the platform for the training The modules of the training will be adapted for the online platform, all the training materials will be uploaded and kept available after a free registration. Moreover a multi-lingual and multilevel serious game will be developed to assess the competences acquired with questions of growing difficulty.
Evaluation tools for the piloting phase the project aims at test how much the prosocial digital gams can impact on the change in the social situation of the schools involved, so tools for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of this impact will be produced. The target groups considered will be: teachers, directors/headmasters, pupils.
Piloting phase test phase will take place form October 2019 to June 2020, involving all the schools of the community collecting data with the tools developed within the project.